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Blog Entries - 'Construction'

A man carrying a pipe on his shoulder

Healthy Habits for Construction Workers

March 7, 2022  |  Construction, Tips and Tools

Your health is the most important thing you have. 


So why does it seem that so many construction workers ignore their health in favor of quick fixes? 

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Construction Industry: Young Workers

Why Young People Will Want to Work Construction

February 7, 2022  |  Construction, Employment, Tips and Tools

Today in the United States, there is a mismatch between how Americans find work and how companies are advertising their openings.  

Many young people, fresh from high school and college, are ready to join the workforce.

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SiteWORX workers laying cement. Text reads "skilled vs unskilled labor."

The Difference Between Skilled and Unskilled Labor in Construction

The construction industry is one of the most stable and consistently growing industries in the world. People will always need places to live and work and they will always need people to build those

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SiteWORX 2018 Christmas
SiteWORX 2018 Christmas

SiteWORX Christmas Party

January 4, 2019  |  Construction

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!  We had a great Christmas Pary this year at Great Wolf Lodge.  We had some good food and looked back at our accomplishments for 2018 and what we have to look forward to in 2019. 

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